Suppliers of Whole House Ventilation and Energy Saving Ventilation
Our Clients
Contractors and Wholesalers
- Edmundson Electrical Ltd (Group Wide)
- Newey and Eyre Ltd
- AB Electrical Wholesalers Ltd
- AMP Electrical Ltd
- BES Electrical Wholesalers Ltd
- BPC Ventilation Ltd
- Briggs and Forrester Engineering Services Ltd
- CEF Group Ltd
- Elecro Ltd
- Electric Centre Ltd
- Eyre and Elliston Group Ltd
- G A Nicholas
- Glen Dimplex UK Ltd
- Impact Building Services Ltd
- J H Shouksmiths and Sons Ltd
- Kew Electrical Distributors Ltd
- Lorne Stewart Plc
- Medlock Electrical Distributors Ltd
- Nuaire Ltd
- Rexel UK Ltd
- T Clarke Ltd
- VentflitersRus Ltd
- Yesss Ltd
- McCarthy and Stone (builders of private retirement homes and flats)
- Ocon Construction Ltd
- Vision Modular Systems UK Ltd
Providers of University Student Accommodation
- The University Partnership Programme (UPP)
- Sanctuary Management Services (SMS)
- Homes for Students
- Derwent Facilaties Management LTD
Housing Associations
- Metropolitan Housing Trust
- Oxford University
- Oxford Brookes University
- Bournemouth University
- Bristol University
- Bath Univerisity
- University of Aberystwyth
- Anglia Polytechnic University
- University of Birmingham
- Brunel University
- Canterbury Christ Church College
- Cranfield University
- University of Glasgow
- Heriot – Watt University
- Keele University
- The University of Central Lancashire
- The University of Lancaster
- The University of Leeds
- University of Leicester
- Imperial College London
- University College London
- London School of Economics
- Queen Mary University of London
- Loughborough University
- University of Manchester
- The Nottingham Trent University
- University of Nottingham
- University of Reading
- The University of Sheffield
- University of Salford
- University of St. Andrews
- St Martins College
- University of Strathclyde
- University of Warwick
- University of York
- Manchester Metropolitan University