The Unique Automatic Energy Saving Ventilation Control For Added Safety In Kitchens & Bathrooms

Wates Group Innovation Partner

Suppliers of Whole House Ventilation and Energy Saving Ventilation

Wates Group Innovation Partner

West Energy Saving Technologies LTD is now an Official Wates Group Innovation Partner.

West Energy are very proud to announce they have been chosen by the Wates Group to be an Innovation Partner. Wates, who turnover £1.8 billion per year are always on the look out for quality sustainable products and run various competitions to find the best of the best. Over 220 companies apply on average and those products deemed eligible are advanced through the various stages from initial application to a Dragons Den style pitch. Due to covid restrictions our pitch took place via zoom over the summer of 2022. After very detailed analysis of our product Ventmiser the judges agreed it met all the criteria needed to become part of the network.

Our profile is now active on the WIN portal which can be viewed here